During the last 25 years I have restored a considerable number of instruments, early 19th century guitars in particular, like Stauffer Panormo, Lacote or Fabricatore but also spanish-built guitars like Arias, Torres, Garcia or Hauser. My customers are professional musicians, private collectors as well as conservatories and museums. List of restoration-work see

©Copyright all fotos Bernhard Kresse
Apart from conventional standard and reconditioning repairs I also carry out extensive restoration in my workshop. In most cases the aim of restauration is a playable instrument for musicians. Depending on condition and rarity of the instrument a pure conservative work may be more important. This decision must be made with the owner before restoration. I see conservative work as making each step of the restoration reversible. Therefore it is of utmost importance to use only soluble glutin-glues which have been used traditionally for centuries by violin makers.Another priority is the preservation of all parts of the instrument in its complete substance including the varnish. The replacement of complete parts in case of destruction or worm damage is always the last and very worst choice of possibilities.